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Monday, January 16, 2012

First week of training.

The First Week.

I would say the first week as a runner went fairly well. I’m guessing the years of racing bikes did a good job of building up my cardiovascular systems. I thought that I might be averaging a 10:30 mile to start but my weekly average was 9:29 min miles over the 15 miles I ran this week. I did start to develop some ITBS pain on my left knee after the 3rd run and some sore quads. I have since started icing, stretching, and some exercises to build up hip strength. I was able to easily able to maintain conversation at the pace I was running and was able to test it when I got a phone call from an old friend and did some catching up while on the treadmill.

I made it a point to really watch what I was eating and it really paid off. Although I was maintaining 500 to 1000 calories per day deficiency I had plenty of energy. I kept the carb percentage high ranging 50% to 65% and kept the fats low. After my Monday weigh in I was down 3 more pound from last week. I’m at 160.8, so close to breaking the 160 mark and 20+ pounds from my max about a year ago. I will say that the three pounds was a little more than I wanted to lose this week but I will try and add more calories this week.

This weeks schedule is much like last week except the long run is one more mile and I can pick up the pace on Wednesday if I’m feeling good. Although I want to try and keep my pace down I’m sure I will find myself pushing it. I think the cycling training also helps in regards to knowing how to go easy when you need to.

I really think that going easy is one of the hardest things to learn as an athlete. I’ve seen Cat 2 cyclist that still haven’t learn how. I know it took me a couple of years. I can still remember being out on an easy day and not wanting to be shown up by a weekend warrior on the bike path. A good trick to prevent yourself from doing stupid stuff is not to wear a kit, or not to go out on a racing bike. I would sometimes just go out on my fixie in jeans.

On another note I did order my first skydiving rig this weekend. I was planning on getting all used gear but I couldn’t pass up the deal I got from Wings on the container (the thing that holds the parachutes). Then after thinking about it I thought it might be a good idea to pay the extra $500 and get a brand new reserve parachute, since it is your last chance if something goes wrong. I did get a used main parachute since I will probably want a smaller one in a year or two but it is fully inspected by a FAA certified parachute rigger. This weekend I have the water training I need to get my B license. This is pretty good timing actual since the forecast looks bad for Saturday.

Monday, January 9, 2012

I'm Back!!

Well sort of. After a rough couple of months, 18 to be exact, dealing with mono then thyroid problems and chronic fatigue issues I finally feel like I am getting my energy back. The biggest indicator of how I’m feeling is my motivation level. After getting mono I couldn’t get motivated for any physical activity.

Being this late into the cycling training season I do not feel as though I would be very competitive in the elite field for 2012 and getting dropped from races would not be the best motivator to getting back in the swing of things. Plus I’m still 20 pounds above race weight and I have already lost 14 from when I was sick. So I decided I would give running a shot.

I have been tossing around the idea of running a marathon for about a month now and have made a couple of runs and actually felt good. I have never run more than 10 miles but I think the years of cycling should help. Plus I’m not looking to set any records just get back into shape, and why not be able to say that I’ve done a marathon while I’m at it.

So I purchased what looked to be the top marathon training guide on amazon, Marathon: The Ultimate Training Guide by Hal Higdon. In the book the author makes the claim that anyone who can run 3 mile a couple of days a week can finish a marathon using his training plan. The plan is 18 weeks long and as luck would have it there is a marathon exactly 18 weeks after I bought the book. There is also a half-marathon on the exact day he recommends doing one as a stepping stone to the full. Is it a sign?

I figured I would get back into writing a blog mainly for my own amusement. Not that I get a kick out of writing them but nothing is more fun than looking back at my old posts and seeing how ignorant I was. I look back at my cycling post and get a kick out of the shit I wrote and how little I really knew.

I plan on writing weekly but might occasionally post more or less.

Week 1’s training plan
Tuesday3-mile run
Wednesday3-mile run
Thursday3-mile run
Saturday6-mile run
SundayCross train

Starting weight 164
No aches or pains starting the program.